All God's Children is the name of a 2008 DVD, that shows the story of Mamou boarding school in the 60's and 70's, years of terror for many MK's (children of missionaries) in western Africa. Uses clips from the school, interspersed with survivors, now as adults, and several of their parents, speaking of the horrors they have experienced as individuals and families because of the abuse by teachers and care-givers who were entrusted with these children 24-7, for nine months at a time!
Her Camera Captures Courage, an article about Nobuko Oybau, photo-journalist and rape survivor, who is a good friend of mine. Nobuko has taken on the challenging task of photographing survivors of sexual violence and abuse, compiling them in a book that has been published in Japan. It will hopefully be published in English soon. (I've already heard from three of her Japanese readers!)
Hear Dee's voice in a podcast about Nobuko Oybau