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Lord, how long shall the wicked triumph?....

How long shall they utter and speak harsh things?....
They break into pieces thy people....
Yet they say: "The Lord shall not see!"
(Psalm 94:3-7)


Books by Dee Ann Miller


Dee Ann Miller has written two books that address the issues of collusion in the faith community, in regard to abusive clergy. They are both in story form.

The first, How Little We Knew, published in 1993, is well-known in the survivor community. It is Miller's first-person story.

The second, The Truth about Malarkey, published in 2000, is reality-based fiction. The composite characters are based on many readers who had already responded to the first book, thereby inspiring the novel.

You may order both books, for only $27.00 total. Price includes shipping within the USA or SURFACE shipping outside the USA. Please contact the author for air mail shipping arrangements outside the USA.

To order BOTH books click the Buy Now button, or see the summaries below for further ordering information.

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Summary of
How Little We Knew
Collusion and Confusion with Sexual Misconduct
(a first-person horror story by Dee Miller)

Buy this book ALONE for $14.00 postage paid.

"Every health care professional and member of the clergy needs to read this book. Those with little or no experience with sexual abuse will find well-articulated insights into the powerfully destructive ways abuse affects both the victim and the community in which it takes place. For victims of sexual abuse, it will provide strong consensual validation that their responses are normal, that they aren't crazy, and that there is help available." Judith Shelly, RN, MAR, Senior Editor of Intervarsity's The Journal of Christian Nursing"

Other writers in the past decade have addressed such issues as incest, violation and mistrust, even clergy abuse, but few have acknowledged the magnitude of the systematic abuse addressed here." from the forward by Dr. Bert Kae-Je', Diplomate AAPC, Director of Education and Training, Pastoral Institute, Columbus, Georgia.

What happens when a group of professional ministers suddenly find themselves facing a sexual predator in their own midst? They are forced to confront the illusions about safety in the community of faith. This true story clearly illustrates the common games of collusion and frequently gives us a glance at the DIM Thinking which lies behind the games.

The setting is unusual--deep in the heart of Africa, where the Millers were serving as career missionaries. Yet the dynamics will be all too familiar to any survivor or advocate who has ever tried to expose sexual violence in a profession which is expected to provide the model of healthy, moral living.

The story in How Little We Knew is about the aftermath of the abuse of minors, as well as the blatant assaults or molestation of adult co-workers, by a man who had already spent a quarter of a century as a foreign missionary. The author was one of the adult victims.

Just a footnote: Finding a sub-title for the book was one of the most challenging tasks of writing it. In 1993--the time of its publication (and in most circles today), "sexual misconduct" is the popular term for what happens when a professional in any way sexually exploits a person of lesser power. "Sexual misconduct" is a legal term. In titling the book, Dee finally settled on what she considered a minimizing term--"sexual misconduct," hoping this would help it to be found by the appropriate audience.

Throughout this web-site, you will find "clergy sexual abuse." This term, it was felt, would be the most common one used in searches. However, it is not the author's preference. Despite the media's extensive use of the term "sexual abuse" to refer to the abuse of both adults and children, the public still seems to think of sexual abuse as something which could only happen to children. The general public seems to find the term ambiguous. Survivors often find it minimizing.If given the opportunity to change the cover today, Dee would select the term "sexual violence." This change is being supported by progressive writers, such as Friedman and Boumil in their book, Betrayal of Trust(Praeger, 1995). Miller believes it is the term most appropriate in describing the wide array of violations perpetuated by clergy, whether or not there is actual physical violence involved.

Summary of
The Truth About Malarky

This book is now available from the author only, by cash only, unless purchased in the above pkg. with How Little We Knew.
For more information, contact the author.

It's been three years since Princeton graduate, Dr. Mark Peterson, found himself booted out of a promising career after blowing the whistle on a predecessor over sexual misconduct. He's struggling, unsure if he even wants to go on with his profession, when an unexpected phone call comes from a New York City screenwriter. She wants to tell his story.

Sandy Ammons seems to know all about the Waco, Texas minister. He's baffled, angry, and not the least bit appreciative of her intrusion! Especially when she refuses to reveal her source of information.

As his next-door neighbor, ninety-two-year-old Grandma Cora has a ringside seat to Peterson's personal conflicts. Both the one that brought him to this point in his life and the latest one that started with Ammon's phone call. Grandma's been beside him, in his frustrations, for three years. And she's still listening as he confides in her his fears, doubts, and ethical dilemmas, in regard to going public.

In Grandma's thinking, she's writing this solely for her seven-year-old great-grandson Davey, who will be reading it whenever his mama decides he's old enough. Of course, she knows that she won't be around at that time because, as she puts it, "this story is definitely NOT for children!" yet she's convinced he needs to hear it, when the time is right, even if Ammons never gets her wishes to see it as a made-for-television movie.

So she tells all, with a good deal of satire, Texas colloquialism, personal pride, and a no-nonsense approach. Ultimately, Peterson gets assistance in discovering the mystery source, is forced to re-examine his initial decision about the Ammon's proposal, and finds himself feeling a lot more confident about things than he has in years. So does Grandma Cora.