Dee's Blog
Tue 05/06/2008
Watching and Waiting
Topic: spirituality

"Watching and waiting" isn't necessarily being passive.  Sometimes it's soul work. 

When I am so anxious or worried about others' ability to do something that I think is so important, I find it incredibly hard to wait until they decide that it is important.

I think this is especially hard for us parents and grandparents because we somehow believe that if we had just done everything right, then our children would be as wise as we think they should be at this moment.  We forget that they are individuals and that their worlds do not revolve around us or what we say or do, said or did.   Nor should they!

As they become increasingly independent, falling on their faces when we refuse to pick them up even if they are slow learners, we learn to let go of our desire to keep them both the innocent and the wise little souls that stay unshaped by others.  As if all wisdom resides in their mothers!   We learn to risk trusting them.  We believe in their ability to find their own answers, and make it their sole responsibility for doing so.  All while knowing that not everything depends upon us.

One of the problems of people who are overly dependent on outsiders, either spiritually or emotionally, is that these individuals come to believe they are incapable of being an important player in the shaping of their own souls.  Sometimes they learn this from their parents, who do not intend to teach them these things but end up doing so.  On a practical level, this means they become incapable of finding ways to take care of themselves.  The longer it takes for them to learn, the fewer easy choices they end up having as life goes on. 

As we delight in the things of this life, focusing on the abundance of good, despite the destructive forces that are out there, we are able to center on what we can and cannot control, to find our center, and then to be more responsible with the opportunities that come our way without holding onto the illusion that we are in control of the universe.  Even if that universe seems to be centered around one of the many complex issues in this world.  Or around just one individual, who may be capable of far more than we can imagine if we only let go of what we cannot change, forgive ourselves and others for not being perfect, and return to the most difficult work of all--that of attending to our own souls.


Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Tue 05/06/2008 2:42 PM CDT
Mon 05/05/2008
Remember Where Home Is
Topic: spirituality

Trauma and the shock that comes when we learn that our world isn't as simple as we thought it was yesterday seems to occur every time we turn on the TV.  It also happens in our everyday life when we try to solve problems.  For problems are often far more complex than we are comfortable with them being.

If "home is where the heart is"--or in a spiritual sense "where the soul is," then we can be at home even in the midst of the storms. 

The problem is that our souls often do not feel at home as they become MIS-shaped by external factors or thoughts that pull us away from the truth about ourselves. 

At retreat this weekend, I was constantly reminding myself, as well as the participants, that it is possible to be "at home" in the spiritual sense, being a part of God's creative process of rebounding, no matter what my circumstances.

The work of attending to our own souls, neither expecting nor depending upon others to bring us back to home, helps us cope with all we know and experience.  When we learn to be open to new information, while carefully sifting out what we want to take into the soul that we continue to shape for ourselves.  Or when we just patiently wait as we seek to be a part of finding answers for ourselves and our complex world, we are at home with ourselves.  


Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 6:04 AM CDT
Updated: Mon 05/05/2008 1:32 PM CDT
Thu 05/01/2008
Time Out, Please
Topic: spirituality

Starting tomorrow, I'll be taking a break from the blog until Monday, May 5.  During this time, I'll be leading a retreat for women who will come together as strangers, united by the fact that they hold an immeasurable gift that the church has rejected--the gift of speaking truth to power.  The gift of teaching truths to those who see themselves as the spiritual authorities, yet cannot hold their colleagues accountable.   To the point that it is now often front-page news!

We will be seeking new insights into how to embrace the journey of living in Parker Palmer's "tragic gap."  Learning from one another.

My expectation is that we will all return with our cups over-flowing because of having been together, having found new friends in person.  This is the usual outcome of such retreats. 

You'll be getting some of that spillover next week.   Please hold us up in your thoughts and/or prayers.

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 12:01 AM CDT
Wed 04/30/2008
Living with the Questions
Topic: Making Changes
All successful social activists, or anyone interested in facilitating change in our world, must live with a degree of comfort, where the questions are.   Welcoming more questions from others, as well as those that arise from within.   As thinking deepens, speaking is carefully calculated, moderated by well-defined feelings and intuition. 

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 12:01 AM CDT
Tue 04/29/2008
Risk and Trust
Topic: Making Changes

As we speak truth, we do so because we have a degree of risk tolerance.   We also trust ourselves to be able to cope with the impact of the backlash that comes when we speak truth to people who prefer to live in DIM thinking (See

We are not trusting others to hear, though we hope they will.  Instead we are centered so that we can speak with boldness, even though we may be trembling internally.  In the deepest part of our souls, we each know that we are going to be okay even if nobody joins us.

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 6:30 AM CDT
Updated: Tue 04/29/2008 6:31 AM CDT
Mon 04/28/2008
No Such Choice
Topic: Power

Have you ever noticed how we all crave praise, but are prone not to want the responsibility that inherently comes with power?   So that we can so easily deny our power in order to avoid responsibility? 

 Think about it.  It's a very human trait, and none of us are exempt.   The greater the power, the greater the responsibility, whether the power is denied or accepted.

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 9:37 AM CDT
Sun 04/27/2008
Disempowering Colluders--the FIRST step
Topic: Power

Janet Clark, author of Blind Faith, a novel about a young man who is dealing with sexual abuse by a priest and his family who is unusually supportive.  A lot of the story models that support for others and shows the value of having it. 

For me, the very best line in the book is near the end, when a therapist asks a question that probably goes by most readers.    Other than the two who have accompanied the intimidated young Jack into the office, she wants to know who else in the family knows of the abuse.  
Fortunately for Jack, the family did not collude.  This is a huge strength and not nearly as common as most people would believe.  The true story of "Claudia" written into the much larger story in How Little We Knew demonstrates this. 
Long ago, I concluded that this may be the best starting place for unravelling a story.  I say this because the collusion is what most immobilizes so many.  It's what almost immobilized me, for sure!  There is so much out there about sexual assault and abuse by clergy now, but so little about collusion. 
If one of Jack's close friends or family members had been a strong colluder, this issue would have needed attention before he could even start down the road of discovering and grieving his losses so that he could do the equally important step of rebounding and discovering his enormous strengths. 
Otherwise, there would have been a ghost in the therapy room, undermining everything the therapist was trying to do.  Disempowering the colluders often takes time, but it cuts to the chase.  Disempowering colluders, ideally, should be the job of all clergy who hear of a violation for the very first time.  Problem is colluders can't disempower one another. 

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 12:01 AM CDT
Fri 04/25/2008
The Power of Freedom
Topic: Power

Even though I spent almost a decade in a country where there was no freedom of speech and only one newspaper was allowed to operate, it is so easy for me to forget about the power and privilege of freedom.

Then, something startling happens.  Like three days ago, when I received an e-mail from China.  I had just contacted a lady, asking if she was available to a survivor needing support.  The person in immediate need was located in a country relatively close to hers, geographically.

The lady in China replied cordially, but called attention to my attached e-mail that I had sent to her.  In it, words that referred to faith issues had been removed before she'd received it!  She had been able to read between the words that remained, but wanted me to know that e-mail communication might be difficult, considering the censorship of incoming mail and the lack of freedom that residents of China have to send anything about matters of faith, along with other "sensitive" material. 

A strong reminder that we are blessed if we have freedom.  Blessed with power and privilege alike.  How dare we squander either as we sit back comfortably, deciding not to take an unpopular stand when to remain silent is to sacrifice the integrity of our souls.

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Thu 04/24/2008 8:22 AM CDT
Thu 04/24/2008
Outside or Inside
Topic: Making Changes

Frequently I hear from people who believe there is one way or another to make change in the way the churches deal with sexual abuse by clergy.   Some argue that it must come from people who are working inside the church.  Others are convinced it will happen only because of activists putting pressure ON the church from outside. 

I do not believe it is an either-or question. 

The change may have to be initiated by actions from people outside.  The really important change, though, is the one that has to happen when there is REAL change.  It's going to have to come from the souls of church leaders.  By choice, not because they are forced to do so.  Out of love, not fear or anger toward victims.  
One cannot force love, unfortunately.  Policies and law changes are good, but they are often manipulated and used against victims, to the letter of the law, same as the Scriptures are.  If the hearts aren't changed, there is no hope for REAL change.  This has been true in every social movement.
REAL change takes centuries.  We have only just begun, and it's important to remember this no matter what approach is used.  Finding a place to stand when change isn't visible is what faith is all about.  It's the hardest place to stand.
We have to all look at our personal shadow side before we can make institutional change.  The real reasons people collude, and that's likely to be different reasons for different people.  It takes MUCH soul-searching, and this is what I find clergy so resistant to doing because these issues are just too close to home.  After all, they think of themselves as the spiritual leaders.  They do not need prophets, but the voice of truth is a prophetic voice.  That was Jesus' message to the Pharisees.  
Individuals must change and feel responsible for holding people accountable, both professionals, members of the laity and the general public.  A genuine holding others accountable, feeling responsible only comes when there is a change from the inside, of course.  It is not a knee-jerk reaction that comes because of coercion, though changes in the law and policy often hasten it along.


Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Wed 04/23/2008 8:34 PM CDT
Wed 04/23/2008
The Difference in a Comma
Topic: coping

Last Sunday, I picked up the church bulletin and brought it home with me.  Because I noted something I thought I really needed to share with you.  The way I noted it, that is--not the way it was actually written.

I still like the way I first saw it.  It fits just as much as the original intention of the writer of the Mohawk prayer.  (Yes, where I worship one is not surprised to see prayers that come from "the heathern," as people of my roots might refer to non-converted Native Americans) 

The original sentence, located in the prayer, read:  "Help us, be kind to us."

My eyes didn't note the comma, so I read it:  "Help us be kind to us." 

The first version, of course, indicated the Great Spirit being kind to us on earth.  My understanding, before I took a second look this morning, was that we needed help to be kind to one another, but also to ourselves.  Whichever works for you today, I hope you find kindness.

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 12:01 AM CDT

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