About the Visitors

Visitors to the site include:

  • victims of sexual or domestic violence. Many of the sexual abuse victims were abused by clergy or church leaders. Some of the perpetrators, of course, were their fathers, who may have had the dual role of also being a church leader or pastor. Yet there are many who were abused by perpetrators in the general population. Almost all visitors have experienced collusion when they turned to their church communities to report or to ask for support. The higher the status of the perpetrator in the church community, the higher the degree of collusion and secondary injury as leaders attempted to keep the victim and her/his family silent.

    Some of the victims experienced the primary abuse as children or adolescents. Many were young adults or older. The older the victim, the more likely the victim was to experience collusion and secondary injury.

  • MK's (as children of missionaries) abused on foreign mission fields, either by missionary co-workers. nationals, parents, or by boarding school personnel
  • advocates--either church leaders or family members, including pastors who have lost career positions in the process. Some of these clergy members have experienced a devastation of faith, as strong as any I've seen in survivors! Some have left the ministry.
  • therapists who are struggling with knowing how to counsel people, especially those of fundamentalist faiths who are wanting very concrete guidance "based on the Bible."
  • "after-pastors"--ministers who have followed a perpetrator, a ministry which is almost always stormy
  • Members of the press, students seeking insight for a thesis, other writers

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