Dee's Blog
Tue 02/19/2013
The Wisdom of Heraclitus
Topic: spirituality

It is difficult to separate spirituality from wisdom.  For true wisdom requires that we be in tune with spiritual things, I'm convinced. 

How often we confuse wisdom with being intellectually gifted.  Not so!  Geniuses aren't necessarily wise at all.  A study of terrorism will lead to plenty of examples.

One of the wisest Greek philosophers was Heraclitus. He lived 1500 years ago.  He could teach us all the difference in genius and wisdom. 

Two great quotes:

"Much learning does not teach one to have understanding." 

"Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day."

I see nothing in there that encourages me to spend hours in front of the TV or playing some mindless video game.  Nothing that makes me want to surround myself with people who want, above all, to accumulate degrees, monetary goods or power simply for personal gain.

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 3:23 PM CST

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