Dee's Blog
Thu 09/04/2008
Gandhi's Seven Social Sins
  • Politics without Principle

  • Wealth Without Work

  • Pleasure Without Conscience

  • Knowledge without Character

  • Commerce without Morality

  • Science without Humanity

  • Worship without Sacrifice

Those are the SEVEN SOCIAL SINS, according to Gandhi.   Each could be the title of a good book! 


The one that caught my eye this morning is "Knowledge without character."  It's closely aligned to the first:  "Politics without principle."  Both of these explain the hypocrisy that plagues all of us at times, as well as the hypocrisy of the institutions that promote much good, as well as cause much suffering. 


As individuals, we must be constantly examine our own lives.  Otherwise, we will become like those we may see as "the problem people."  For no matter how much knowledge we have, only by daily examining our own motives and actions, recognizing how quickly we can slip over the line and fail ourselves and others, can we build character and even hope to speak to the character issues of others.  Or to be effectively pro-active.


A few months ago, one of my readers contacted me for the first time.  She said that while she very much appreciated what I write in this blog and on the site, she sometimes has difficulty knowing who my audience is intended to be. 

"Wonderful!" is what I told her.   For I'd like to think that everything I say can be comprehended and incorporated into the lives of a very wide audience.   I want the choir to be huge in scope.   Certainly in an entry like today's!

Posted by Dee Ann Miller at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Wed 09/03/2008 6:32 AM CDT

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