Topic: coping
McCain says "The greatest economic crisis of our lifetime" when he speaks of the current situation. My mother must be laughing. Of course, she's older than McCain. However, she has kept very fresh in her mind and in mine the Great Depression. So this is certainly not the greatest economic crisis of her lifetime--McCain needs to change his pronoun to "my."
The old adage came from Roosevelt, back in those awful 30's: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." I think this may very well apply to today's situation, as well.
Fear is not the only thing we have to fear in our lives. Not in every situation. Sometimes fear is helpful in our choice of reactions, especially when we are in imminent danger. The problem comes when we blow it out of proportion and let it rule our lives and our reactions to everything we do and everything we hear.
I'm refusing to do that, but it's a lot of work to keep things in perspective.