Frequently Asked Questions


6. Is abuse more common in certain faith communities?

According to several reliable sources, the more conservative the theological belief system, the more likely there is to be abuse. This is because of the increased misogyny and oppression of outsiders that is apparent in so much anecdotal evidence.

Studying the current situation in the Southern Baptist Convention is a good ways of understanding some of the problems. Check out a 2008 article for more insights.

This article, like all at is copyrighted by the author. Other writers, by copyright law, may use up to 300 words in other published works without asking permission, provided the author is given full credit. This also applies to the acronym "DIM Thinking," a term coined by Miller. You may download and/or distribute copies of any of these articles, for educational purposes, PROVIDED the pages are distributed without alteration, including this copyright statement. by Dee Ann Miller, author of How Little We Knew: Collusion and Confusion with Sexual Misconduct and The Truth about Malarkey.